I lived in this terraced house a few years ago. It was a sunny house with good vibes and it is sad to see it run down and in want of repair. It is a rental property and while I was there they renewed the roof which showed that they took some interest in the place. They didn't bother with the guttering in the front at that time and looking at it now that was a mistake. Green slimy mould is growing on the wooden veranda below where the rain pours through the large rust holes. The veranda may improve when it is summer and we have the expected months of dry sunny weather. The house faces south and it is a nice place to sit and sip a beer or a wine at the end of a hot day.

I was tempted to 'rose-nap' the standard rose when I left. You can see in the picture that it has fallen over by the front steps. I pruned the rose and nurtured it and it rewarded me by blooming every year - small pale pink flowers clustered around the top. It looks as if it is bravely producing leaves. If it flowers it may get someone's attention.
To give it a friend I planted a yellow rose in the centre of the garden. I took this with me. The standard was there when I arrived and I believed that by removing it I would be in breach of my tenancy contract and the cost of a replacement would be taken from my bond. When I look at it now I wonder if anyone would have noticed.

In the other corner there was a beauiful blue hydrangea. I pruned that every year, too and it produced an abundance of blue flowers. There was variegated ground cover and some blue bells that came up in spring.
At the rear of the house is a very useable back yard (yard rather than courtyard I think) where I grew tomatoes, rhubarb, silver beat and climbing beans. One of the delights of the back yard was its privacy which prevents me from seeing in and checking it out.
It was a pretty house then; old and in need of a paint but now it looks derelict as if no one loves it.