Tuesday, July 21, 2009

St Kilda Living

This is one of my favourite apartment blocks along the St Kilda Foreshore. I have only see the block from the road. I have never had the opportunity to go inside. I keep hoping to go past and find there is an Open for Inspection.

Nothing is perfect and when you get up close you can see that cracks are beginning to form and some of the concrete is chipping away . Nothing some maintenance couldn't eliminate but none the less the design looks better than the construction.

Next time you are passing have a look and see what you think of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tree Art in St Kilda

It is never dull living in St Kilda. This morning while I was walking I saw this decorated tree. It is outside a development site and it is tempting to thing that the Tradies on the project have filled in some down time by adding the pots.

A further look and I can see that the Port Phillip Council have spotted the tree and added their notice to the trunk. As I wandered on I wonder whether the Tradies had cut the tree to this raw state to make their on-site job easier.

It's a mystery! And it's unlikely that anyone will come forward to solve it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A touch of spring in mid-winter

Daffodiles are in the shops again. Not in my garden but it is lovely to see their bright blooms on the edge of the grey footpath on a grey day. It is very wintery here in Melbourne and now spring has come to my hallway.