Monday, March 10, 2008

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - movie review

I went this film expecting to love it. Everyone I mentioned it to said I would and so did the reviewers. I didn’t love it. I found it tiresome and irritating.

There have to be times when you don’t like the film everyone is raving about.

If you read a review of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly you pretty much know the story, so it wasn’t the story I found difficult to take. It was the camera work and the way Jean-Do treated the mother of his children but mostly it was the camera work.

I found it intensely disorientating and in the beginning it gave me a form of sea sickness and I found I was closing my eyes to shut all this movement out and to stop my head swirling.

My problem could have been that I knew nothing of Jean-Dominque Bauby (played by Mathieu Amabric) before the movie came to my notice. Jean-Do, as he is called, was the French Editor of Elle before he suffered a stroke at 43. This caused him to suffer from "Locked-in Syndrome". It is a Syndrome you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. The mind is active but the body is dead. In Jean-Do’s case he was able to blink one eye.

At the start of the movie we saw the world from Jean-Do’s one eye – hence the sea sickness.

It is hard to criticize something that is a true story. And there is no doubt he showed enormous courage and determination particularly in view of the book he wrote. This meant that every word had to be spelt out while Jean-Do blinked when the right letter was pointed to or spoken.

The dedication of the people who worked with him was breathtaking. This included, Celine, the mother of his children, played by Emmanuelle Seiger. The way she stuck by him was inspiring. To me she’s the hero.

I came out of the film a little sea-sick, a little depressed and wanting to know more about what happened to his three children and their mother after he died. They learned to accept him in his new form and to make him part of their lives. The settings in France were beautiful and this emphasized Jean-Do deformed appearance.

I may be the only person who wouldn’t recommend the film. But if you need to see it, my advice is to hire the DVD from your local store.

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