Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Would it be spring without daffodils?

Last year my garden opened up to spring. The bulbs flowered – daffodils and blue hyacinths. The ground glowed with them. This year it was different. The local possum feasted on young buds and the hot dry summer meant the bulbs didn’t get much water to begin their journey to spring.

To make up for the lack of spring in my garden the shops have been full of daffodils. J drew my attention to the buckets of them at one of the local shops. Since them with his help I have replenished the vase regularly.

As you can see they create beautiful shadows on my painted floor. The whole effect is magical. I am going to miss them when the season moves on.

The photo on the side bar of the daffs is from last year's display in front of my back-yard fountain. I am wondering if I lifted the bulbs, stored them, and then planted them again they would do better next year. I'll wait until the leaves dry off and give it a go.

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