Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cat and Cow as One.

I have always liked the idea of a black and white cow skin rug. It’s stylish and elegant and in my mind rather French and I think it’s more sophisticated than a brown and white one.

Those were the thought in my mind as I bought this large beautifully patterned one. S’s welfare was far my thoughts when I laid it on the floor and admired it.

It took S a few weeks to feel really comfortable with it. She walked across it and was sick on it but she didn’t lie on it. I thought the hair might feel odd rubbing on her fur. I was wrong. The evenings are so cold now that I have to have the electric heater on to boost the temperature in the living room. S finds it cold too and now sprawls out on the rug with the heat soaking into her. She and the rug merge so well that I trod on her tail as I walked past. I simply didn’t see her. She yelled and jumped up and went out of the room. It could have been so much worse. My foot could’ve come down on a different part of that thin body.

An evening at home by the heater is no longer relaxing. I’m afraid to move. I have to decide what to do. Take the rug up and store it? Buy a brown and white one to put on top? At the moment I am leaning this way. I need some sort of floor covering and we can’t all be sophisticated and French!

Animal skins appear to be making a comeback in the Armadale antique shops where prize pieces of furniture are displayed with them as backdrops. One shop has a Zebra skin and another an antique chair covered in goat skin. To avoid a horrible outcome a brown and white seems the best solution. There is one brown and white one in Armadale but I’ll buy mine in from a wholesaler in Abbottsford who sells to the public.


Anonymous said...

You could dye the white bits pink... or gold in the washing machine.

Em said...

Thanks 2XB - gold sounds good - very sumptuous