Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October and My Favourite Gym Insturctor

A new month and I’m saving my horoscope to read in a few days time. I thought I would live a week in October and then check out how things are suppose to be going.

Postings from the Northern hemisphere are never up on time for me to read my horoscope on the 1st of the month. This month the 2nd (before I read any horoscopes) produced an unexpected change in my life. Hence my interest in living through seven or so days of October before I read Susan Miller

I know now why people have relationships with their personal trainer. We lean on them emotionally. I don’t have a personal trainer but from trotting along to regular gym classes I can see how it would be. My favourite gym-class instructor has gone. I arrived on Tuesday and someone else was there and announced they had replaced him. No reason was given. I am bereft. His class is one of the highlights in my week. I go to a couple of other classes but they are a sort of tag-on his.

All through the class I thought about what had made him special. How can you stand out in such a large group as a group of gym instructors? Physically he is unlike the usual mould. He is tall and gangling. Yes gangling is the word. Others are sort of compacted, slim and neatly put together. His face breaks into a wide and cheerful grin and his voice is loud. If he is taking a class as you approach the gym you can hear his voice bellowing out. That always makes me smile and lighten my step. His humour is light and flippant and acknowledges the individuals in his class. He winks at slackers and shouts “keep it moving. Keep the pace up”. He keeps it moving in a casual easy way and we all work harder for him. His classes were packed and it was often hard to find floor space. “Here,” he’d say swinging a step in the air for latecomer, ‘There’s room here!” and he’d lower the step into some space where he felt there was room.

His absence has started October with a sense of loss. I will have to re-build my enthusiasm for the gym. Standing tall, being supple and having some strength will have to be enough to motivate me to go on. The fact that I am hooked into a payment system will also motivate me!

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