Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yellow Mushrooms or are they Toadstools?

I have now got another crop of these beautiful plants. I have taken all the old ones out and I found at least eight tiny new ones sprouting away underneath them. The new ones have come out and the look just as beautiful as the last lot.

Does anyone one know anything about them?

I find them fascinating and very colourful.


Anonymous said...

You could try theselinks, Em:
Some toadstools can be eaten with impunity. Even puffballs can be eaten. But I'd check 'em out first.

Anonymous said...

Another thought, Em. I'm pretty sure that any mushroom with gills is safe to eat. And some that don't, like puff balls. I've heard tell that some people slice 'em up, throw them in a Japanese batter, and fry 'em for breakfast. You could try them scrambled eggs lightly whisked with a little black truffle paste. I have only recently discovered the semi-divine pleasure of truffles by dint of a friend bringing some 'Tuscan sun and earth' back for me, with thanks for updating her on the Northern Rock's fiasco while she was away, and unable to do anything about all her worldly monies in this bank. Forget money, bank on truffles! On and up with 'Mushies'.

Em said...

Dear Vi
Thanks for those suggestions - especially the scrambled egg.
I have another small crop of these beautiful yellow fungi but I can’t bring myself to eat them. I picked one with the idea of trying just one. But the thought of being poisoned is in the fore front of my mind. Too many detective stories I guess where people have been knocked off with a dodgy mushroom in the stew. A pity because growing something and being able to eat is one of the pleasures of gardening.