Saturday, May 24, 2008

On Holiday

I have been on holiday for two weeks now and it’s become relaxing time.. The first week a friend stayed with so she and I rushed around Melbourne. We had a great shop in Brunswick Street and on another day when we were in the CBD with all those lovely arcades. I can spend days in those and my favourite is the Block Arcade with coffee at the Doumo Café. I love showing it off to out of town friends.

We spend Sunday morning at the Camberwell Market. I found a lovely old wire plant stand. Very rustic with the bottom two shelves bowed from the weight of plants. I saw one the same the other day in Prahran for 160% more. It was in a slightly better condition and it was rustic- worn-white rather than rustic-worn-grey. I couldn’t believe the price of $160 on the tag and had to have it confirmed. I was happy with my bargain of $10 but on seeing what I could’ve paid I was over the moon.

A couple of weeks ago I bought an old music stand from the market to display my photos.
At my last assignment I was working opposite Office Supplies and I found I could buy A4 photo paper reasonably cheaply so I have used it to print out some of my favourite photos. A lovely old music stand with the lyre on the top is just the thing for a changing display.

The last week has drifted by with chilly weather. I have watched videos, gone for walks, fussed about my fence. Some days it has been warm enough to lunch outside.

The blissful thing about holidays is that as the evening drifts on, I can drift with it without worrying about the morning alarm.

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