Monday, May 26, 2008

Holidays in Raumati

I’m moving my holiday away from home for a couple of weeks and flying to New Zealand to visit my mother who lives in Raumati just north of Wellington.

Friends there have told me that it’s got very cold and to bring thermal underwear. I hope that is partly in jest. Although it has got cold here in the morning and the evenings I have been able to sit in my courtyard at lunch time.

I am hoping that the Internet Café near my mother is still operating and I can up-date my blogs, down load some photos and generally catch up with people.

I feel the loss of a computer as I would not having a telephone available. The e-mail communications and the communications through various blogs have become part of my day.

I think it may be good to take a step back into the past and not have to be ‘on-line’ every day.

With luck more contact from Raumati.

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