Thursday, May 31, 2007

The last of May

The last day of May – the day winter started. I was up early, 5.45am – that sounds better than a quarter to six. I had an inspection of two properties and was due at the first at 7.45. This ridiculous hour was at the tenant’s request. She has her own business and she opens up. I arrived on time and two large fat cats greeted me at the door. She was some where behind.

This unit is art deco with real charm – every now and again I wonder why I wasn’t buying property in Melbourne about 10 years ago when the current owner bought this for what was described as ‘next to nothing’. Whatever that means.

I wasn’t here ten years ago and if I had been, I wouldn’t have had the money or the foresight. The lack of foresight would have been my biggest handicap. Foresight is a great thing if you have it. It beats hindsight hands down. I have great hindsight!

We had finished going through the property and I had noted all the minute problems when she said, “Would you like coffee? I’m going to have one before I head for work.” “Thanks but no.” Why did I get up so early? I could have arrived after the coffee.

It is surprising during a Routine Inspection how many tiny things tenants find to complain about. It is as if they feel the visit is a waste of time unless the Property Manager trots off with a list of problems. I can watch their mind working, searching over the last six months, trying to find something that I can write down and when they do it’s as if we both have achieved something.

Then there was the day…. But the evening was great. Dinner and a movie. I have been in Melbourne for nearly 6 years and I still find dinner out a treat. Breakfast out is even more of an exotic experience but today it was dinner at the Bay Street Bar and Grill – a treat but not an exotic experience. Great food. It is a café that locals can trot along to and eat on a regular basis and it appears they do.

It’s right next to the Brighton Bay Cinema where we were to see the ‘My best Friend’ After a glass of cabernet merlot and a chicken and avocado pancake we sank into the comfortable arm chairs to be entertained.

The receptionist at work had said she and her friends laughed out loud at the humour in this movie. I found the humour subtler and more poignant. Loneliness or is something I can relate to. When I first arrived in this magical city I found delight in a minor conversation on the tram or with someone in the library. For days on end, unless I chatted to these people, I spoke no one.

Go, see the film. It is an interesting take on human relations and how we don’t really hear what another person is telling us. In the film Bruno, who appears to have the three S (sociable, smiling and sincere) says something about each person being alone, the main character Francois doesn’t hear him because he is still thinking about himself and Bruno in relation to himself. An entertaining film but also a moving one.

I was going to the gym this evening. I was pressured by my gym buddy to turn up for a yoga class at 7.45. She was very keen on Tuesday. To be a good friend I thought I should go. I rang today to confirm and she had forgotten and invited a friend around for the evening. I was relieved but I wondered about being a good friend.

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