Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday – 28th

In property management some Mondays can be fun. There are applications from the properties that were open in the weekend, the phone buzzes and the office hums with energy.
This Monday was the other sort of Monday. A dead, flat, wet fish sort of Monday where the minutes drag and you look for an excuse to go out.
The Streets were dead too. The usual cars weren’t jamming Chapel Street. Toorak Road was empty. The whole city had the Monday blues.
It wasn’t a day to be creative but I tried. I took a lithograph from print maker Gray Tricker to be reframed. I felt odd doing this. My husband who died many years ago had chosen the original frame. He felt very please with it. It was one of those frames that hid the picture and the picture has been hiding on walls ever since. If you walked into the room your eyes would move over it.
I have chosen something else – quite different. Disloyal? A better choice? All I know is that there was a park right outside the framer.
I have just Goggled Gary Tricker and found a print called Green Tea. See if you like it? I’m a cat freak – well an animal freak. I go for dogs in the same way .
This is the print in the old frame – your thoughts!

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