Sunday, July 8, 2007

I have been reading through my blogs and I can see that I mention S when she is on a road to fading away from this life. I’m not keeping you up-to-date with progress. And there is some progress. Quite suddenly and for no apparent reason she decided to eat again.
Eating doesn’t mean gulping down quantities of food. It is dainty, refined eating with elegance as she samples something, thinks about it then decides to take another bite. A number of bites are then taken. So many that she now weighs more and when I’m in bed and lean over to scoop her up to be with me she is considerably heavier. If she gets much heavier I will have to use two hands.
The other thing I left unfinished was the missing property. The address was 25 – 27 but the file in my hand clearly stated 27. In the rather damp-light of the next morning I discovered it behind a group of trees. It’s an unprepossessing property and very private hiding behind the trees. There is no chance of getting a peep into one of the lit rooms on a clear sharp night. The property is now let and the new tenant feels that because the balcony is hidden from the road it's vulnerable to an intruder and has requested a security door. I think an intruder would be very lucky to notice it was there .
I have a cold this weekend – the first time I have had one in Melbourne and this evening I am feeling very sorry for myself as I sneeze, blow my nose, mop my eyes and generally feel miserable. My head aches and my throat is sore. As I stood in the super-market queue this afternoon showing every sign of a heavy cold people kept their distance. The check-out person leaned so far away that she dropped all my change and had to search the floor for it. In the end she replaced it from the till.

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