Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On the first day of every month I flick into Susan Miller’s site and read my horoscope. http://www.astrologyzone.com/ Recently it has been well off beam. July should have been a good month according to Susan. “As you enter July, you should be feeling fantastic.” Not so. Work-wise I’m feeling anything but fantastic. The disaster that is work seems to creep into the rest of my life.

I loved my full-on Property Management job. Humming along in my car to work in the morning I often felt elated. I was stimulated and challenged.

An office restructure has brought onboard a new person and life has changed. Then, of course, I lost those three properties- see my first blog of April 20th $30,000 is the amount the director believes the company has lost because of that blunder. The outcome of the disaster is still in-waiting as I am still working for the company. The office is no longer a supportive and caring office. We keep secrets and we whisper. The elation is seldom there and the morning ritual has become a chore. Time to move on?

I was on an in-service course one day last week where a high flier told us how she organized her life and work. She has a Life Coach to help her with this but in essence she makes a five-year plan with a goal at the end and steps of what she has to do to get there. Not new thinking but sometimes we have to get a reminder.

My July Horoscope also said
“ No matter when your birthday happens to fall, all Capricorns are about to enter the best of year of their lives in 2008. Your wonder year is actually slated to start in late December 2007. Your mission now should be to decide which people and elements of your current life will belong in your new life to come, as well as which elements and relationships need to be eliminated. If you don't go through this process of editing your life, you won't make any room for new opportunities that are coming your way.”

Both the course and the horoscope are timely if that is correct. I will take the advice and work on a five-year plan. The idea is to start with an end goal and work backwards.

Not so easy. Five years can be a long time when you are think ahead. Of course not so long when we look back and wonder where the time has gone.

All this is saying that it’s time I changed my life and moved on.

Today is the last day of July and in a couple of days I’ll be able to read my August horoscope.

I have a job interview on the 2nd of August. If I got the new job it would it be a step on the way to somewhere – where has yet to be decided. I'm working on my five-year plan in particular the end goal! All these steps need to be going in the same direction.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your favoured astrologer was jumping the gun with Capricorn.