Wednesday, August 15, 2007

In Limbo

This week has been a roller coaster of a week. I wanted to think of a different way to describe it but roller coaster was what it was.

On Monday I worried about my mother and what was happening to her. On Tuesday I had a second job interview and for the rest of the week I worried about my mother and whether I was going to get the new job.

The week has started with the uncertainty about the new job still in place but my mother is making progress and is moving slowly about the rehab ward on a pair of crutches. I ring the hospital daily and generally get to talk to her on the ward’s cordless phone. Today it looks as if she will be able to go home and continue to enjoy her sunny house.

Today I was supposed to get a job contract in the mail. This was promised to me last Thursday and it was a great let down to rush home from work to find it wasn’t there.

I put on my runners and walked for an hour in the very chilly evening air. I walked fast so by the time I reached home the endorphins had kicked in and I was feeling better. It gave me the courage to ring to say I hadn’t received the job offer. I set up an appointment for 2.30 Tuesday to go into the office and read the contract. It’s worth being pro-active in these things!

There needs to be a resolution regarding the job tomorrow. Limbo is exhausting. I got my last job through an agency – easy. They did all the negotiating and came back to me with feedback and interview times. It was in their interests to get me into the job so they could get their commission and they organized it well.

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