Saturday, December 29, 2007

Benazir Bhutto - and the death of hundreds

The temperature at 4.00pm in Melbourne was 39.7 degrees. In Pakistan the temperature may have been about the same. For us it was a day to hit those wonderfully air-conditioned malls, or to stay inside with air con or fans. In Pakistan it was time to riot.

I chose to read about Benasir Bhutto in the weekend papers.

The media has cover almost everything about her life and death but I have yet to see any mention that the world has lost a remarkable woman in a country where women have next to no chance to be remarkable.

I believe she was one of the great women of our time. And I wonder if she has been a role model for young Pakistan women?

Did they look up to her and see a possible path for themselves even it was only to change the smallest thing in their lives? Is her sort of courage catching?

I also wonder if it's possible that she had no influence on the women of Pakistan. That they saw her, as a sort of god-like creature, that had no relevance to them or their lives.

Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for her murder. They also appear to have been behind the first attempt on her life when she arrived back from exile.

On both occasions al-Qaeda have killed, injured and maimed hundreds of other people. They have shattered the lives of their fellow country men and their fellow Moslems.

As I type this I understand that rioting is going on throughout the country, killing more people and further damaging lives and livelihoods. I also believe that a great many of the people killed will be men.

In Pakistan society the husbands and fathers are the breadwinners. They look after the families. What happens to the wives and children who are left? Who will feed them? Is this a chance for al-Qaeda to step in to make more converts?

How will these women view Benazir Bhutto? Will they take on her courage or will they blame her for their misfortunes?

I would like to think that we in the West would get some news of these people for they are the people most like us.

The question I keep asking is; what justification can there be for anyone or any cause to create so much havoc and misery to so many people?

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