Monday, June 11, 2007

Carlton North - La Porchetta

The three day Queen’s birthday weekend is over. How quickly it passes!

I love to explore Melbourne and I still get lost and disorientated as I did in Essendon recently. But I feel a warm glow of belonging when I know where I am going. I know the way to the Rathdowne Street and the clutter of shops and restaurants in Carlton North.

I have a fellow Melbourne explorer in N and about a year ago we found the area. “Wow” we said, grinned and drifted through the shops, tried on a few clothes and finally lunched at the La Porchetta Pizza Restaurant. N suggested a return this weekend. The Queen’s Birthday holiday on Monday gives the weekend the luxury of ease and time. Carlton North is an interesting spot on the Melbourne landscape and hard to describe. ‘Eclectic’ was the word N used. I couldn’t do better.

The sun came out as we parked and we wandered through the shops. I bought a designer scarf and N some amazingly beautiful wrapping paper. The area is bulging with interesting cafes and restaurants. They were all busy so the food has to be good. N and I are experts on the La Porchetta chain and the Carlton North is the best we’ve been to.

On our first visit the décor stunned us. We just gaped. It’s in your face Motorbikes. Full sized bikes even hang from a ceiling covered in motorbike pictures and memorabilia as is every available spot on the walls.

I’ve never seen anything like it and I love it. And, and it is a big AND. The food is the BEST we have had at a La Porchetta. We talk from experience. I can tell you the worst La Porchetta and also those that can be graded up and down from there.. Just ask me. We sat outside under a heater, sipped wine, relaxed, talked and we knew we would be back there sometime.

Carlton North is worth the trip if it's only for the La Porchetta – check it out sometime.

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