Sunday, June 24, 2007


Some of you have been reading my blog. Well, the numbers who visit my site go up. But no one has commented!!

Did you read it?
Have you liked it?
Were you bored?
Would you find it again?
What should I do to make it more interesting?

I want to know that I’m connecting with you. Part of writing a blog is indulgence but a big part is to communicate. To make contact


If you’re bored say BORING.

If you read it and have nothing to say – that’s Okay. I’ll keep writing without your comments but feedback is great. As they say even a bad review is better than being ignored!

I have just watched the wonderful British TV programme New Tricks. It’s the highlight of my viewing week. It is so good to watch these old codgers using their skills to achieve and to work as a team. My only grouch and it’s a big one, is that Superintendent Pullman is the only woman. Amanda Redman who plays the part is approximately 47 years old as compared with James Bolan, 68, who plays Jack Halford. Where’s the clever stylish older woman? We need to see her on the screen. Older doesn’t mean 50. I’m talking 60+.

This was a particularly good episode where an 18 year old girl was kidnapped back in 1992. Great humour - sometimes laughing out loud funny and a great resolution. Just the thing for a cold winter night.


Anonymous said...

Judy Dench and Diana Rigg are a couple of stalwarts in their 60s. But I agree, very few women get a good innings after 50.

Anonymous said...

And there's Meryl Streep, Zoe Wannamaker. Al of them have a remarkable ability to play different roles in such a way that you feel comfortable with someone you know but never know what you're going to get next. Helen Mirren's another - The Queen, ERIII to my mind.