Sunday, September 23, 2007


It’s always interesting when I check out who's entered my blog. I don’t do this very often but when I do I feel I’m on a world tour. I love it that people in Nevada and New York have accessed it. They may have given the content only a quick glance but they were there. I have visited both these place in the USA. It was a while ago but a number of mind-pictures have stayed with me so I can bring them up on my mental plasma screen.

I have had some one in Adelaide reading me off and on and in England and Hong Kong. Now there’s a place that feeds the imagination. Other places pop up from time to time. Writing a blog is largely self-indulgent and I mentioned this is my first blog, but it is also a way of connecting with a wider group of people, and becoming a citizen of the world.

Do keep accessing my site and try this one interesting but don’t go there when you’re hungry the food is mouth watering and the photos great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My word, that's very kind of you. I shall reciprocate with box of something edible that will survive a trip to Australia by mail. A Christmas cake might be appropriate!

Inidentally, I have learned from reading about blogs recently that it is regarded as 'web etiquette' in some quarters to actually make comments. I thought it was probably a bit cheeky. So there you are.

Yes, blogging is about feedback, and reaching out. Postage stamp and all...