Sunday, November 18, 2007

Catching up with my Blog

I’ve neglected my blog for the last couple of weeks. This is because I have been in a state of anxiety about my job. I could have posted all my conflicting thoughts that swirled around and around in my head. Occasionally they settled down but the slightest thing set them whirling again and they whirled at great speed. They were neither particularly interesting nor very lucid thoughts. But they did serve their purpose by getting me to re-evaluate my job. I leave the job on Friday. When I made this decision I felt a huge weight lift off me - a sense of lightness filled me. I will unemployed from Friday and I plan to stay that way until the New Year.

I have booked to spend two weeks in New Zealand with my mother. It will be almost a year since I was in New Zealand and six years since I moved away. I will try to up-date my blog from there.

I have noticed that while I posted less frequently I had fewer hits to my blog. I hope all you people who have been flicking in for a quick read and felt cheated or let down by finding nothing new will excuse me and come back in your droves.

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