Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Michael Clayton

I have just seen the movie Michael Clayton. A great thriller. Slowish but it is still the edge of the seat stuff. How could it be otherwise with George Clooney and some superb support acting?
George plays an in-house “fixer” in a big New York law firm. He is said to be great at his job but his own life has fallen apart and there is no one to fix that. This gives his character a vulnerable dimension.

I hate people giving me the plot of a thriller so suffice is to say it revolves around a legal battle with a huge agrochemical company that has endangered the health of a rural community. Shades of Erin Brockovich there.

The casting and the production is all great.

Strangely there is no love interest and at the end I missed this. Of course it would have made it a different film and Michael Clayton a different person. Probably a lesser film. The only woman of any consequence is Karen Crowder played by Tilda Swinton. She gives an amazing performance as the slick, ruthless company executive and behind the scenes the insecure person who anxiously practices her speeches in front of a mirror.

George Clooney has a beautiful voice. It is such a pleasure to listen him. This may strike me so forcefully because I live in Australia.

I have read that Cleopatra was not particularly beautiful but she too had a beautiful voice - a voice that brought Caesar and Mark Anthony to their knees.

Check out ‘Michael Clayton’. It is one of the best films I’ve seen in a while. Go and listen to George’s voice.

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