Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Success and Goal Setting

My wonderful horoscope for 2008 (see my last blog) has made me think about how I am going to make it come true.

How am I going to take these good aspects and “spin them into gold”?

I’ve decided it’s a good time to review where I am in life and where I am going and where I want to go.

This is something I believe we should all do every now and again – review where we are and where we are going. It is very easy to drift along and then later think, “I wish I had….”

To get started I need to identify exactly what I want to come true, in other words what my goals are.

To make it easier I’ve worked out a few headings and sub headings. You may have different headings.

Work - Salary

Personal friends
Changes to myself eg spiritual
Beauty treatments/massages/gym

Material New car
Renovations and up
grades to my house

I don’t feel I have to put something under each heading. I’m just trying to organize my thoughts.

I’ll spend the next twenty four hours thinking about these areas and making lists – brain storming - just writing anything that comes into my head. I’ll give myself 24 hours so there is time limit and I can start to prepare for the next step.

Then I’ll come back and talk about the goals I’ve sorted out and how I’m going to start working on them.

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